^Me at a young age, yet to know the wonders of proper UI design
Hi there! My name is Charles Moloney, and this is my website! I'm a sophomore at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln studying Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science. I never coded before I got to college, and I definitely did not know a thing about proper UX/UI design or what makes a good design system. I actually didn't even know what combination of colors made what until a couple months ago. This is something about myself I wanted to change about myself, and it was the inspiration for why I decided to take a class on User Interface Design and create this page. Documented here you'll be able to find all of my most recent works and findings as well as some personal thoughts and reflections. Feel free to stay a while and enjoy your time here!
When I'm not working on User Interface Design, you can catch me climbing at the UNL OAC, singing at one of my favorite clubs, Karaoke for a Kause, aggressively pressuring all of my friends to get into country swing dance, or reading a good book. I love most things and most people, and I rarely find a hobby that I do not enjoy. One of these days, I hope to get an oxygen torch and kiln and start making marbles to sell on Etsy, but I don't really have the room or time at the moment. There are 50 hours in a day if you can find them, but that's still a limited amount of time. If you ever want to hang out or do something together, feel free to reach out! Socials linked below and on home page.